Changing the Narrative in the Skateboard Graphic world

Growing up, I would go to the skate shop as an 8 year old girl, and be so excited to see all the board graphics on the wall. It was better than being a kid in the candy shop.

But, what made me immediately so uncomfortable was brands like Hookups or other companies that would un-creatively and un-thoughtfully put naked women or some form of sexualization of women as a board graphic. I don’t think I really was exposed to that kind of imagery until I started going to the skate shop.

So, in creating Housewife Skateboards graphics, I attempt to create witty, thoughtful and empowering graphics of women, that the 8 year old me would have thought were totally badass, and would have saved up in my piggy bank for.

Examples of the graphics still being created today by skate companies:

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Charlotte Tegen